Thursday, February 28, 2019

Motivation For The Nigerian Youths

Nigeria has got nothing to offer her youth, a lazy youth will always remain a failure, and guess what!
Creativeness is d only panacea to our (youth problem because d government are not ready to aid, there is an adage dat says "heaven help those who help themselve"

That thing you know you are good at, keep it on your talent may later be the lead to your success, add passion to what you are doing, you never can tell, it maybe your dream work.

Always think of a new way, encourage new idea it will help your career, don't agree to the say that "there is know new thing under heaven" there's a lot of things that are yet to happen. You're the one to bring it to reality. Life is all about creativity think broader and bring out new thing.

Never waste your time, time is too precious than to just to be waste because it can never be retrieve when wasted. Stop procrastinating, tomorrow may not be in your favour, do it now and stop postponing. Stop wasting your time on unnecessary things, create time to surf the Internet, browse on how you can invest, there are blogs that are educative and can help you build a brighter future.

Death is not the worse thing, the worse thing is to die without fulfilling destiny, you maybe born poor but if you die poor it definitely your fault.

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